JPG to GIF converter

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The files will be ordered alphabetically.
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GIF, JPG, PNG, APNG, HEIC, HEIF, MNG, JP2, AVIF, JXL, BMP, PDF, WebP or other images, up to 2000 files.
You can select multiple images, animated files, or upload zip, 7z or rar archives with images.
Max total file size: 200MB

All uploaded files are automatically deleted 1 hour after upload.
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Online JPG to GIF converter

Free online JPG (JPEG) to GIF converter. Upload a single JPG file and convert it to a static GIF image, or upload a sequence of JPG images and convert them to an animated GIF. No watermarks or limits on how many files you can convert.

You can also crop, resize and optimize the converted images before downloading them.